Category: How to Overcome Burnout

  • Do You Believe?

    I’ve seen countless social media posts about “hope” lately. More specifically, I’ve seen people that have been “hoping” for the best, “hoping” for change, “hoping” for the future, and even “hoping” for hope. While hope can be a starting point, my anecdotal perspective is that hope needs to grow into something more, and we have…

  • That Moment When…

    Have you ever had a transformational moment in your life that inspired you to take action? Of course you have! I invite you to close your eyes (when it is safe to do so) and vividly picture that moment in your mind. When you reminisce on that moment, you will most likely recall exactly where…

  • Walk Your Transformational Path

    I came upon a dark, narrow path bordered by trees on both sides when I went on a hike the other day with my dog. The path was both beautiful and mysterious at the same time. Limited visibility and the loud, crackling sounds of the trees with each breath of wind caused me to pause…

  • How Our Negative Thoughts Behave Like Ants

    My house is located next to some open ranch land, so on occasion I get ants trying to take up residence in my humble abode, especially when it is hot out. When I came home the other day, I discovered ants shacking up in my kitchen rent free via a really small crack in the…

  • How Pets Can Heal Us

    Bringing a pet into our lives can be one of the most rewarding actions. Oftentimes, if we adopt or rescue a pet, we believe and say that “we saved them.” However, after having them in our lives for just a short period of time, it becomes quite clear that the animal really saved us. The…

  • Be A Visionary – Generate A Vision

    If we take the appropriate time and action to gain some clarity as to what we want in life, then the next step is to generate a vision in our minds of what life will look and feel like after we achieve the desired goals. This can be done by simply dedicating a few moments…

  • What Is Coaching And Why Is Coaching Essential?

    While all of the previously discussed strategies are beneficial, oftentimes more resources are needed to help overcome specific life obstacles, especially when we are our own obstacle. We can have all the ideas, goals, and strategies in the world, but the vast majority of us still struggle to execute on those ideas, goals, and strategies…

  • The Importance of Clarity

    The importance of achieving clarity as to what we want in life cannot be overstated, but it usually cannot be achieved unless we first tend to our basic needs and attain presence. With that said, if we do not have a goal and the basic understanding as to why we desire that goal, then we…

  • How I Overcame Burnout – Step 1

    Step 1. Tend To Basic Needs. When we experience high levels of stress and/or burnout, we almost always stop tending to our basic needs such as proper nutrition, hydration, sleep, and exercise. Before making any big decisions and/or taking any necessary actions to overcome life’s challenges, it is imperative to evaluate whether our basic needs…